Featured Contractors
Ken's Backhoe Service in Cambridge, VT |
BBB Construction & Backhoe in Auburn, AL |
Madison Fence & Deck in Huntsville, AL |
Foothill Backhoe & Grading in Pine Grove, CA |
American Iron in Norman, OK |
Peredo's Painting Service in Dallas, TX |
Montage Fence in Tulsa, OK |
Mike ZARP Excavating & Equipment in Upland, CA |
J & S Dozer Service in Calvin, LA |
Safer Fence in Vidor, TX |
Snake River Fence in Clarkston, WA |
Daugherty Dozer Service in Cheyenne, OK |
Noble Fence CO in Armada, MI |
Southgate Fences Inc in Olympia, WA |
Wheeler Fence Company in Lakeland, FL |
From Our Blog:
Installing A Fence Around Your Yard Installing a fence around your yard is a great way to improve the security of your home or to take care of children and pets that use your backyard as a living area. Fences can be a beautiful addition to a backyard and can offer privacy from neighbors or from heavy traffic areas. A fence can also... Continue Reading |
Hughes Backhoe & Excavating
801 Highway 3
Otisco, IN
(812) 256-6994
Fully insured. Our preferred brands include mounds. We can assist you with basements, demolition, dirt & rock, driveways, finish grade, fully insured, hauling, land clearing, mounds, ponds, septic repair, septic systems, sewer mains, snow removal, water lines and water mains. Quality service - affordable prices, 19 years experience!. We've been in business since 1990.
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