Featured Contractors
Babcock Fence in Lowell, OH |
Easley Excavating in Paris, KY |
Rent A Fence by National in Marlborough, MA |
K B Fence CO in Galt, CA |
Sierra Nevada Lawn & Garden in South Lake Tahoe, CA |
Zane Feed & Supply in Zanesville, OH |
Heart of America Invisible FNC in Kansas City, MO |
Lifepost Products - Office in Sacramento, CA |
Borrud Construction & Excavating in Custer, SD |
Fairfield Custom Fencing-Fax in Fairfield, MT |
City Wide Welding & Fence CO in San Antonio, TX |
Farlinger Rock & Gravel in Oakhurst, CA |
Guilford Fenceworks in Northford, CT |
Morris Backhoe in Amelia Court House, VA |
Gulf Coast Lease Service in Wharton, TX |
From Our Blog:
Installing a Fence Around Your Home One of the biggest projects you can do to improve your house foundations outside is to install a fence. A fence can beautify a yard when it is done right. It can also be functional to keep in pets, children and to keep out unwanted guests. The installation of the fence can be done with a little... Continue Reading |
California Fence CO
Granada Hills, CA
(818) 363-8808
Our preferred brands include etc.. Our specialties include cedar, chain link, dog runs, gates, iron, ornamental iron, redwood and vinyl. We can assist you with dog runs, gates, iron and vinyl. We've served commercial and residential customers. Fences at discount prices, wood, ornamental iron, variety of styles of colors, chainlink, redwood & cedar, snake wire, ask about our lifetime warranty, lic #708029, new installation & complete repairs.
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