Featured Contractors
Custom Fencing Inc - WRSW in Burket, IN |
Cornerstone Fence Builders in Trafalgar, IN |
Hercules Fence in Lorton, VA |
Blackwood Fence & Iron in Pearcy, AR |
TU Fence in Malden, MA |
Construction Rent-A-Fence in Elsa, TX |
G&G LANDSCAPING in Westport, CT |
Haddon's Tree & Lawn Service in Greenville, SC |
Vennes Fencing Inc in Plevna, MT |
Tony Jones Excavating in Yellville, AR |
Ark LA Tex in Texarkana, TX |
Jack L Schulz Excavating in Enid, OK |
Blackmon Construction in Whitakers, NC |
Fencesmith in Granada Hills, CA |
Southeast Fabrications in Pompano Beach, FL |
From Our Blog:
Installing a Fence Around Your Home One of the biggest projects you can do to improve your house foundations outside is to install a fence. A fence can beautify a yard when it is done right. It can also be functional to keep in pets, children and to keep out unwanted guests. The installation of the fence can be done with a little... Continue Reading |
Sunrise Fencing & Supply
Selma, CA
(559) 273-5651
(559) 642-4664
Our preferred brands include cedar and redwood. Our specialties include free estimates, home, horse fence, ornamental wrought iron, privacy fence, ranch, redwood, residential & commercial, round posts, vineyard & industrial, vinyl,
we build & sell fences of all types
and wire. We can assist you with cedar, chain link, custom fence, fence dealers, gate openers, horse fence, ornamental wrought iron, privacy fence, redwood, residential & commercial, round posts, vinyl and wire. We've been in business since 1965. We've served commercial customers.
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